Sunday, August 29, 2010


Shut out and alone. Ignored. Always hurting someone. A constant battle with myself that can't seem to be won. It seems no matter what I say, how many times I say it, or how loud I say it, I am never heard. I'm standing outside the window looking in, hoping for someone to notice. For someone to see me and say "I'm here, talk to me." But I'm not sure it will never happen. I think can begin to accept that I will forever be alone with my thoughts and feelings. As much as I want someone in my life to share everything with, I start losing faith of ever finding it. And why would I find it? I can't be what someone wants or needs. I feel that I am a constant failure at being a friend or girlfriend. A sister. A daughter. For one day I would love to be someone's everything. All I can hope for is the courage to ask, "is today the day?"